What We Do?
International Emergency Team United Kingdom (IETUK) has a proven track record of delivering a wide range of services, under the banner of humanitarian assistance, to the developing world.
IETUK facilitate identification and delivery of projects utilising are variety of techniques such as peer review, gap analysis, discussion forum and focused consultation. These techniques allow us to truly identify and prioritise the clients’ needs prior to agreeing the delivery phase.
A typical project has seen IETUK undertake extended periods of consultation with a client. Then provide on-going support that has resulted in the development of technical guidance and direction in the Fire Safety arena.
Projects have been initiated and successfully delivered over a number of years that have seen IETUK support the development of Fire and Rescue Service operational capability and efficiency, medical capability and recruitment.

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High Profile Project
A high profile project has required IETUK to consult both locally and regionally with government departments to secure high-level engagement and support. This project resulted in policy change that supported the provision of new medical services across the Punjab region in the form of First Responder Paramedic Motorbikes.
Comprehensive details of the wide variety of projects successfully delivered by IETUK can be viewed in the ‘Success stories’ section of the website.
Our Success Stories

"Quote Pending"
Memorandum of Understanding
The International Emergency Team UK (IETUK) has entered into and signed a number of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with individuals and organisation that are supporting our Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).
Each MOU is individual; the criteria of each are specific to the requirements of operating within the terms of our Vision and Mission to address the needs of the region or country.
- Chairs Supporting Statement
- Our Professional Accomplishments
- Our Voluntary Members
- Vision and Mission
- Strategic Plan

Chairs supporting Statement
As Chair, I work closely with all the members of the organisation, especially our Trustees, Sponsors and International Representatives. I have a determination and a passion to succeed in life and help those within hard to reach communities not as fortunate. My leadership style is reflective of this. I have from a very young age had a calling towards the blue light services, which would allow me to help people. In addition to being a successful businessman, I am also the CEO of Dyslexia North East and a Community Safety Manager for the Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service.

Our Professional Accomplishments
Mehrban has always felt that his calling was for the emergency services. His professional accomplishments include being the National Chair for the Asian Fire Service Association (AFSA) during 2014 – 2016, the CEO for Dyslexia North East and senior management experience in private business. Mehrban chairs IETUK whilst also undertaking his role within the Community Safety Function of Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service.

Our Voluntary Members
Forty plus voluntary members make up a core group that deliver IETUK projects overseas. Like-minded professionals from emergency services, medical and corporate backgrounds with varied skill sets constitute IETUK. Members are dedicated and hold a mutual desire to use their skills, knowledge and understanding to effect change and development of client organisations.
The International Emergency Team (UK) operates within the boundaries of a Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is agreed and amended annually by our Board of Trustees. In general this occurs as part of the Annual General Meeting but may be amended at a Special General Meeting should circumstances change significantly that they would effect the direction of IETUK. The Strategic Plan details our Organisational Tenets, Vision, Mission and Specific Objectives for a period of ten years, subject to the annual review.
Strategic Plan 2018 -2028